Ever wonder what it takes to make you change the way you live or think of yourself?
Sometimes, it seems like you have to have a near death experience to make a change.
You go to support groups and see other peeps making changes in their lives...They truly get it. You might of even "got it" for a brief time but, you lost it.
Where did it go and why...And you think to yourself "What I do Wrong". Then you discover it is your inability to forgive yourself that holds you back. If you can't forgive yourself then how in the world does God forgive you.
You know in your head what you need to do, but you do nothing which leaves me back to my original question what does it take.
Why would someone not want to give themselves a fighting chance?
Hey Samantha,
Paulette here. To let you know, I understand your ponderings. I have felt the same way when i went to celebrate Recovery, like I wasn't getting it. But I don't want other people telling me so. There are alot of other things I DO get though, like give it time and don't stop going like I did and eventually you will get it just in other ways.
It will click. Keep going for the support.
Come visit me at my blog sometime.
Hope you keep up journaling here it does make a difference. I have loved it.
check out http://www.5minutesformom.com/faithlifts This is a real encouraging site for people who struggle.
Man that healing hooves person sure can write a book cant she?? (hehe)
Ok I know I saw another post here the other day. I like your new design! It is so peaceful.
Looking forward to new posts. Ill be back
All I can say is that is what I have been having problems with my whole life, self-forgiveness. The funny thing is that I really did nothing wrong, but I blame myself, anyway. Wonder why that is?
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