Satan comes in many forms you see.
He could be a demon in the corner doing one armed
Push-ups, perhaps even a splinter in your soul. He is a mother cat and her kittens for me. And your utter destruction is his ultimate goal.
You may ask why and cat with kittens and it is a very large litter.
There so cute, so cuddly...But they are quite dangerous...No joke.
You may ask how harmful can they be?
You say with sarcasm ooo ooh how scary...Stop you’re giving me the jitters.
What were you expecting...Something with fire, brimstone and smoke.
I had already played with the kittens: bitterness and the brothers alcohol abuse and meth addiction. I didn't like them too much, so I put them down.
Satan the old sly cat had finally decided which of his lovely kittens was just the right match for me.
Up came this white kitten with the brightest blue eyes. It mewed at me and rubbed against my leg.
Oh, it is so harmless, so cute, so wonderful, so playful...So wonderful for me.
I picked it up and couldn't put it down; I petted it and held it so close...For I believed all its lies.
Satan was pleased now for at last he had me pegged.
Self-hatred was the little precious thing he had sent to me.
That kitten I have carried around for many years.
The kitten was a very intricate part of me.
It's just a kitten and it's harmless, can't you see.
After a bit it changed to something horrible, monstrous and evil.
It hurt me and lied to me it got much enjoyment form my tears.
It is latched on to my neck now and it dug its claws in deep..It tells me I am here now and forever will I be.
Friends gather around me, to help free me, it was such an arduous task and for the kitten was caused much upheaval.
The kitten she fought it so deeply.
She didn't want to leave.
I'm with you always ...You'll never be able to move about freely.
My friends or rather my family continues to stay close.
I was nauseous and dazed the more nauseous I got the thoughts of self-hatred started to blur.
I started to feel a little stronger, then and I realized more friends rather family indeed had came.
You might have met them, but just in case let me call them by name.
Meet my Father, meet his Son and this guy well, he's the Holy Spirit.
Friday, September 22, 2006, where I finally drew my line in the sand.
Good analogy Sam. Satan can be cunning, but remember he can't dwell where Christ is. Thats why we as Christians must grow Spiritually. I am prayng for you. Just walk closely with the Lord and you will be safe.
My sweet sister, I am so happy that the Holy Spirit has lifted you up and out of the bad place you have been for so long. Follow the Lord and let His grace work through you to stay on the road to believing you are so special, because you are...He has made you that way! To see you genuinely happy is going to make my heart burst with joy and you are going to find the world is a much happier place from now on. God bless you!! I love you!
OK Sam time for a new post k????
Tired of lookin at that kitten lololol. Hope you are ok or ill feel bad...
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